
Neck fusion problems years later
Neck fusion problems years later

neck fusion problems years later

Kachmann now, because you and he will need to discuss surgery." "That's good, because we wouldn't let you," she said. When Tom told her that he didn't want to live on narcotics or muscle relaxers for the rest of his life, Ms. She reviewed his scans and explained how and why the stenosis was causing his progressing symptoms. Tom first saw Jody Miniard, DNP, a Mayfield nurse practitioner. By this time, he was feeling numbness and tingling in his right leg. The stenosis in Tom's cervical spine was serious, causing spinal compression at four levels. The orthopedist sent Tom for an MRI and, the same day, referred him "right away" to Michael Kachmann, MD, a neurosurgeon with Mayfield Brain & Spine. "I tried," Tom recalls, "but I couldn't get my neck turned enough to look up without severe pain." With Tom seated in the examination room, the orthopedist asked him to look up toward the corner of the ceiling. The rotator cuff, it turned out, was fine. He scheduled an appointment with his orthopedic surgeon, who ordered x-rays. Tom, a registered nurse and health care administrator whose work requires travel, was suffering, and he knew he needed to see a doctor. It felt similar to what he had experienced on his right side after damaging his right rotator cuff. The pain continued, and about a week later Tom began experiencing severe numbness and tingling in his left arm and forefinger. I thought maybe I had aggravated some muscles." "After a large snowfall I was out shoveling snow, and about one or two days afterwards, I started having severe neck pain and pain in the shoulder blades. "I wasn't experiencing any signs or symptoms prior to January 2019," Tom says. But it was a heavy snowfall that finally brought that family history into the present. Both his mother and father had experienced the degenerative condition that leads to a painful narrowing of the spinal nerve root canals and an enlargement of facet joints in the spine. Spinal stenosis had been part of Tom's family history for decades.

Neck fusion problems years later